On June 10th 2015 Express Pharma reporter, Sachin Jagdale, discussed the impact of energy consumption by the pharmaceutical industry in India with Kamal Singh, the Vice President of the Power Electronics Division of Danfoss India. Kamel explained that energy efficiency in the pharmaceutical industry is just as important as it is in all manufacturing industries.  Saving energy allows manufacturers to calculate profit and loss effectively so that they can take into account staff earnings and other overheads.  The majority of pharmaceutical company’s budgets are allocated to heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) due to the strict guidelines required to manufacture drugs safely. Danfoss have helped to reduce the cost of heating, ventilation and air conditioning by developing VLT HVAC Drives that use variable speed drive technology to reduce the overall manufacturing costs.  A variable speed drive enables engineers to vary the speed of each unit allowing an overall decrease in energy consumption. In order to manufacture pharmaceuticals, the following pieces of equipment are used centrifugal pumps, inlet blower, coating machines, rapid mixers and mixing vessels.  As you can imagine the combination of all of these in action can prove to be quite expensive if variable speed drives are not used to control them. To see the complete article click on this link All industries benefit from installing an efficient HVAC system and the new modular approach to manufacturing means that it is easier than ever to upgrade your production line with Danfoss VLT HVAC FC102 Drives. We need to remember that wherever there are people there is going to always be a need for a eco friendly energy saving HVAC system.  HVAC systems are used in the following service industries; entertainment, education, medical, office/warehouse, retail and restaurants. As the technology evolves we are increasingly finding intelligent HVAC systems in our houses in the form of Smart Monitors. At LED Controls we have a wide range of Danfoss VLT HVAC FC102  Drives that range from 11 kw/24 Amps to 250 kw/480 Amps allowing for their application in many different processes that require HVAC regulation. If you require further information about how our Danfoss VLT HVAC FC102 Drives can fit into your present system either contact us here, phone 08450 756230 or chat to us directly online using our online chat system.